Friday, October 29, 2010

Bridal Shower Checklist

Bridal Shower Checklist Categories:

Who should plan the bridal shower?

Typically, the bridal shower is for the bride and her close female friends. It is the job of the wedding attendants to plan and host the bridal shower. They can ask for help from anyone of their choosing. It is not customary for either of the Mom's to plan or host the shower, but they can be called upon to help in whatever way the planners see fit.

When to have your bridal shower?

There is not hard fast rule as to when it is appropriate for the shower to take place. One factor to keep in mind when picking the date, if inviting guests that would be attending from a distance, you will need to plan in advance so that guests have time to make travel arrangements and ask for time off.

Determine a Budget.

Once you pick a date for your shower, you can then decide who pays for what! Typically, all the bridesmaids contribute to the cost of the shower. Determine ahead of time who pays for what and the dollar amount that is owed. It is best to make sure all monetary exchanges take place in advance.

Where should the bridal shower be located?

This factor is clearly determined by your budget and availability if you are looking at a restaurant or salon. This will also help you control how many decorations and party supplies you can get for the event. There are some very cute party supplies out there, but remember it's not all necessary. Sometimes solid colored items mixed in with some patterned theme ideas is perfect!

Who should be invited to the bridal shower?

It is customary to invite the brides closest female friends-unless you are doing a co-ed shower then you would include the significant other. This includes relatives as well. Not everyone who is invited to the wedding needs to be invited to the shower. If some of the guests will not be attending the wedding it is still nice to send them an invitation to the shower-it shows that you are thinking of them! Remember that your guests want to be able to spend time with the bride so try to keep the guest list to a smaller number if at all possible.

What should be on the bridal shower invitations and when should they be sent out?

Invitations can be as formal or as informal as you want them to be. No need to go bonkers on the invites! Make sure that guests RSVP to someone who is helping to plan the shower. Rule of Thumb: If you are inviting guests from out of the area-invites should be mailed a minimum of 2 months in advance. This allows them time to make any necessary travel arrangements. If most of the guests are local, 4-6 weeks should be adequate time.

You should include the following on your invitations:

What type of shower is it?
For the bride only or is it a couple shower?
Who the shower is honoring?
Day, Date and the year of the shower.
Time of the shower.
Location: include the address, city and state.
Who the shower is hosted by.
RSVP information to include name of person, date, phone number or email address.
Where they are registered.

Click here to view our personalized bridal shower invitations.

Guests should RSVP 3-4 weeks in advance to give the hostess plenty of time to prepare. Be sure to plan for those guests who do not RSVP!!:-)

What food should be served at the bridal shower?

If the shower is in a private home, it is best to KEEP IT SIMPLE!! Finger foods work the best. You can serve beverages of your choice, but it is also a good idea to serve coffee and some type of punch as well. If the shower is in a restaurant, guests are NOT expected to pay for their meals-that is the responsibility of the person/person hosting the shower.

Are bridal shower favors necessary?

The trend today is becoming more of a "must do" for bridal showers. Favors tend to be a personal touch and extra thank you for coming to the shower that your guests will appreciate. Keep in mind, if budgets are tight favors are not necessary, but they really lend a nice personal touch to the shower. It is a nice gesture to acknowledge your guests presence for attending the shower.

Do I have to play games at the bridal shower?

YES, in almost all cases,
games are a crucial party of the bridal shower event. Games can be as elaborate or as simple as you would like! It is a nice ice-breaker to be able to get your guests acquainted with each other and to bring on the laughter!:-)

How long should the bridal shower last?

A good time frame for a bridal shower is approximately 2 hours. Some guests may leave earlier than that and other guests may want to chat for awhile after the majority of guests have left.

What order should the bridal shower event happen?

Greet guest-serve a light appetizer. After all the guests arrive, you could play one of the
games you have chosen to get everyone introduced with each other. Serve food after games are played. Once everyone has been served, have the bride begin to open her gifts. Be sure to have someone record the gifts and who then come from. It is also a great idea to have some disposable cameras scattered through out the room for random people to take pictures! The shower favors should be given to guests as they depart the shower. Make sure the bride gets to say good bye to everyone!

Couples Showers, CO-ED Showers or Jack and Jill Showers Ideas

These types of showers are becoming increasingly popular. This is where a theme shower would be appropriate.

Some ideas for themes are:
Entertainment shower: Guests bring gifts like CDs, videos and theater tickets.
Book shower: Where guests bring various books as gifts, gift certificates for a book store
Romantic shower:Guests bring bubble bath, scented candles, lingerie or sheets
Bathroom Basics: Guests bring towels, soap dish, toothbrush holder or anything bathroom
Culinary Delights: Guests can bring cookbooks, dish towels, dishes, pots/pan or anything you might use in the kitchen.

Barbecues tend to be popular for co-ed showers as well. Guys are usually not interested in the gift part of the shower so you could have an alternate activity for them to do while the bride is opening gifts.

To Do Check List for Bridal Showers:

3+ Months Before the Bridal Shower:

Talk to the bride:
  • What type of shower does she want?
  • Does she want a theme shower?
  • Does she want cocktails served at the shower?
  • Where does she want the shower?
  • Even though you are planning the shower, her input is vital.
  • Set the date! If it is to take place at a restaurant or salon, make reservations now!
  • Create the guest list.

2 Months Before the Bridal Shower:

  • Call out of town guests to let them know of the date so they can start making reservations and plans.
  • Get your budget established.
  • Purchase invitations.
  • Get together with the other people you are planning the shower with and brainstorm ideas for decorations, food, etc.
  • Order any special items such as a cake, linens or any rental items you may need.
  • Get your address list together.
  • Make a DETAILED list of who does what and assign tasks at this time.

1 Month Before the Bridal Shower:

  • Address your invitations.
  • Mail the invitations.
  • Shop for decorations, paper goods and other items you will need.
  • If guests are bringing any food, call to confirm what they are bringing.

2+ Weeks Before the Bridal Shower:

  • Place flower order if you are ordering flowers.
  • Buy YOUR shower gift for the bride.
  • Make a shopping list of food and drinks-buy any hard to find ingredients at this time.
  • Purchase alcohol if you are serving cocktails.
  • Pick up any items such as punch bowls, coffee urns etc.

1 Week Before the Bridal Shower

  • Confirm reservations.
  • Confirm orders and delivery times.
  • Confirm RSVPs.
  • Buy groceries.
  • Plan the shower games.

1 Day Before the Bridal Shower

  • Get ready any menu items that can be prepared ahead of time or do any prep work.
  • Decorate; get your favors and games prepared.
  • Call any of the other hostesses, confirm what they are bringing and the times they will arrive.

The Day of the Bridal Shower

  • Prepare all food and refreshments.
  • Arrange tables and set out favors and decorations.
  • Don't get stressed too much!!
  • Remember to have fun and enjoy this day also.
  • If something goes wrong-go with the flow!!

Have a GREAT bridal shower!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bridal Shower Etiquette

In honor of my best friend Sage's upcoming bridal shower, I thought I would dedicate the next few blog posts to bridal showers!

Bridal Shower Etiquette
Most women have a brief understanding of bridal shower etiquette for guests, but what about for the bride-to-be? For a bride-to-be, a shower can be both fun and overwhelming, depending on the situation and guests invited. How should the bride act on this special day? Here are some of the things that all future brides should know about bridal shower etiquette.

Dress Appropriately For the Bridal Shower

A bridal shower is a special occasion. Often, people who you may not have seen in years will attend. That said, it is important for you to dress appropriately for the bridal shower. This does not necessarily mean that you need to wear a prom gown, of course. Depending on the season of your bridal shower, a sundress will work well. In the winter, any type of dress can be worn. If the bridal shower is going to be less formal, a blouse with a pair of dressy pants or a skirt will be appropriate. Put some thought into what you will wear to your bridal shower. You should never show up in a white t-shirt and torn jeans for any bridal shower, let alone your own.

Be Sure to Talk to Everyone at the Bridal Shower

While you may want to spend your time talking to only the members of your bridal party, it is important to make your rounds. Do not spend too much time talking to only one person. You will especially want to talk to people who have traveled a further distance to come to your bridal shower, as well as those that you have not spoken to in a while. It is best to distribute your time equally amongst your guests at your bridal shower.

Consider What Bridal Shower Games You’ll Play

Be sure to consider what bridal shower games you are going to play beforehand. While most bridal shower games are suitable since it is your special day, you will want to think about whether or not they are really appropriate. Think about the different people that will be at the bridal shower, as well as their ages. Anything that is too risk-ay may not go over too well. On the other hand, any bridal shower games that you want your guests to play should be enjoyed at your bridal shower.

Show Enthusiasm When Opening Your Gifts

At your bridal shower, you will want to show enthusiasm when opening each and every gift. Keep in mind that it is the thought that counts. Your guests may shop your registry, but then again they may not. No matter what
they get you it is obviously something that came from their heart that they felt suitable for you. Also keep in mind that you should not become upset if more than one of your guests purchases the same gift from your registry. One of the gifts can always be exchanged. Even if you do not particularly like a gift, it is best to show enthusiasm at all times.

Act Like You Want to Be at Your Bridal Shower

If you did not care to have a bridal shower but had one thrown for you by a family member or bridesmaid, you should act calm and collected. There is no reason that your guests need to know that you really did not want to have a bridal shower in the first place. It will not only make them feel uncomfortable, but they will also probably look at you as unappreciative. The most important thing that you need to do on this special day is act as though you want to be there. Welcome your guests, be friendly and just have fun – or at least act like you are having fun.

Bridal showers are meant to be a very fun experience. However, no guest wants to deal with a “bridezilla” at a bridal shower. It is important to just relax, make your guests feel welcome and have as much fun as you can. This is one occasion that you will want to remember for the rest of your life, so there is no reason not to enjoy it!

Friday, October 22, 2010


In honor of "Pink Friday" I thought I would post a video of Pink Wedding Invitation Ideas!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

F.A.I.T.H. Jewelry

Last night I hosted a F.A.I.T.H. Jewelry party.
(Fashion Accessories In The Home)
I had heard a lot about it but never looked at the website or catalog. Well I was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful and versatile the jewelry was. It definitely appeals to young and old alike.

THINK PINK! In recognition of breast cancer awareness month, F.A.I.T.H. Company will donate a portion of the proceeds from all sales of specially marked "pink" items from page 42 & 43 of the 2010-2011 main catalog to Breast Cancer Research.

To host your own show, contact Stephanie Ketchum at 217.652.8718 or

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wedding Budget Calculator!

Planning a wedding can be expensive! Our new wedding budget calculator can help you track your wedding expenses. Click on Resources and select My Budget. Enter your wedding budget and other itemized expenses. You can come back and print out your budget every time you need to update it!


Welcome to Simply Springfield Weddings! Your online wedding resource for Springfield, IL! Here you will be able to find everything you need for planning your wedding in the Springfield, IL area.

I started out as a wedding coordinator intern for Stacey Porter with Savvy Expressions in Champaign, IL after graduating from the University of Illinois. After 2 years of great wedding planning experiences, I decided to go out on my own. I also decided then that there needed to be a wedding guide website that focused strictly on Springfield, IL weddings. I found that there was a lot of wedding websites out there but none of them focused on central Illinois area weddings. So that is when I decided to start Simply Springfield Weddings! Please check back as often as you can for I will be updating this blog and site regularly!

Hope you enjoy!